Are you new to dog agility training? Have you always wanted to start working on agility training with your dog or dogs but just don't know where to begin? You have come to the right place.
You start with the very basics and then grow and add from there. We have made this very easy for you with a dog agility training kit. What you will get included in this kit is the following: a set of instructions, a game rule book, six weave pools, a high jump, an open tunnel, a pause box, a start and finish line, and a stop watch. Now you can certainly go out of your way to purchase all of these things separately but why would you want to? You are new at this, give yourself a break! You can worry about adding to this kit and get something more advanced when you have the basics down. By that time, you will know what you need or want anyhow.
Come on over to bad dog supplies and check out the dog training products for yourself. We currently carry the Kyjen Dog Agility Training Kit as well as many other dog training products. We are also in the process of adding more dog agility training products so if you don't see what you need today then stop back tomorrow or next week where you may find exactly what you are looking for. Or you can always contact us and we are always willing to help you in any way we can.
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