The dummies themselves will come in different colors. They may also come with a valve on them. The valve allows you to add water to the dummy in order to add weight to it. The importance of the different color dummies is as follows: the white dummies are the most common type because it can be seen on most backgrounds. The orange color is used for blind retrievals because most dogs cannot distinguish it. The Flasher dummy is used for mark training. It is usually best to have several of each of the different colors of training dummies in order to maximize the effectiveness of your training.
As for the dummy launchers themselves, they will also come in different colors of green, yellow, and red which will indicate the strength of the sound as well as the power of the launch for 50, 80, and 100 yards. Some people will prefer not to use a launcher and instead use someone as an assistant to fire as they launch the dummy themselves. Either way is effective training and you just have to find the right method for you and your dog.
When you are not training your dog or dogs, you should store your dummies away so that your dog or dogs are not allowed to play with or chew on the them. This will cause negative reinforcement to your training.
At baddogsupplies we do carry a few different types of dog training dummies in our training section. Currently, we have the D.T. Systems Soft Mouth Trainers on sale. As always, we aim to please and if you don't see what you need then let us know and we would be more than happy to help you find what you want. We also are happy for any comments that you care to leave!
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