This is the time of the year when you can get out camping with the family, including your four legged friends, with a bit of a lesser crowd in your favorite camping site. Sure you might need a sleeping bag warmer or a few extra layers of clothing but it is so worth it!
So, when I go camping, I know how it is to bring your dogs along. I love my dogs very much, but they can get a bit antsy in the tent with us. That is why it is so nice that there are tents that are made just for your dog or dogs. They can have their own sleeping quarters without you having to worry about them being out of the tent or worrying about them being in the tent and waking up with them sleeping on your head, lol. Can you tell I speak from experience?
You may only get a few uses out of your dog tent for camping this fall but again it will be so worth it and then you will be all ready to go when summer rolls around again.
At Bad Dog Supplies we do carry a few great dog tents that will make your camping experience with your dogs so much more enjoyable. So, please come by and check out our website to see what we have to offer for your camping needs and don't forget that winter is coming fast and we also have some great dog supplies for your winter needs.