Saturday, September 15, 2012

It is very hard to believe but winter is almost here.  I know, I am sorry I have to bring it up but there is a great product out there that I need to tell you about before those brutal winter months hit.  If you are here on my blog to begin with then you are probably an animal lover like myself!  So, what better way to take care of your dogs then with keeping them warm this winter.  How can you do that you may ask?  Well, with a pet bed warmer of course.

There are different types of pet bed mats available to keep your pet warm.  There are also pet bed warmers that you can place into an existing bed or there is my favorite, the K & H Lectro soft heated outdoor bed.  The nice thing about my favorite, and the reason why it is my favorite is because it is the only warming bed that is for indoor and/or outdoor use that is on the market and it comes in three sizes so you can select the perfect fit for your dog.  Of course the warming pads that you buy are convenient as well as you can place them into your existing dog bed as I stated earlier. 

Pet bed warmers, warming pads, and warming beds are specifically designed with your pet in mind and are capable of keeping the temperature steady to provide the right amount of heat for your pet.  Also, pet bed warmers are typically water proof with sealant around the electrical elements and electrical cords which is helpful to help avoid electrical shock to your pet.  So, please do not think that you can take a regular heating pad and just use that for your pet bed.  The regular heating pad may get too hot for your pet and burn or overheat them.  If your pet has a tendency to chew on things then you may also want to look for a warmer that comes with a chew resistant cord.

Keep in mind too that pet bed warmers can be used year round if you live in a cooler climate where the pets are outside and the temperatures dip down at night.  Pet bed warmers, pads, and beds are also great for pets that are aging.  Just like a person, as their joints and ours begin to age, they tend to be a little more creaky and uncomfortable.  Keeping your pet warm may help them avoid a lot of the discomfort they can have from their arthritic changes no matter what time of the year it is.  Warmers can give the pets a sense of security and comfort as well.

As you can see there are different options available to you to help keep your dogs warm and secure this winter and throughout the year.  At we do carry the warming pet bed in the three different sizes available as well as a pet warming mat and throw, and pet bad warmers.  So as always, give our website a look through for all of your dog supply needs.  If we don't have it then let us know at and we will try to find exactly what you need or want.  As always, thanks for following us and checking us out. 

P.S. Check our website often because we do have sales on different products and pet warming beds just may be one of those items!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dog Water Dispensers

Does it seem like every time you turn around your dog is out of water again?  I have two dogs in my home (sometimes three when we are dog sitting), and it seemed as though we were constantly refilling the water bowl!  I mean, I am glad they are taking in the water they need, but there were times they were out by the time I got home in the evening.  I have a solution for you!  Automatic watering dispensers.

There are many different types of watering dispensers.  You can buy a portable watering dispenser or not.  You can even buy watering fountains for indoors or outdoors.  Many of the automatic water dispensers will come with a bottle on top much like a water cooler dispenser that will keep the bowl full as the water gets low.  Some of these type of dispensers will come with a carbonated filtration system, again much like a water cooler dispenser.  The dog watering fountains are the ones that are often used outside.  These type of systems will often work by an ultrasonic sensing technology that works by sensing the presence of your dog and then turns the fountain on.  These types of systems can often times be connected to an outdoor water faucet.  Even though these systems are often used outside, you can also buy watering fountains for inside.  There are also electronic watering systems that use more of a reservoir as opposed to a water bottle.  These systems will create a bubbling effect to keep the water oxygenated and they do not require a filter. 

So, as you can see from above, there are many different types of automatic watering systems or fountains.  You just have to find the one that will work best for the set up in your home as well as the size dog you are buying it for.  We carry a wide range of these systems at baddogsupplies.  So please come by and check us out.  As always, we are here to answer any of your questions about any of the products we carry and if we don't have what you are looking for, we would be happy to research other products for you.